Download: Nicoletti - Seismic Monitoring in Italy by the Civil Protection Dept. (DPC) Lindquist - What’s New in Antelope 5.6 Harvey - Python/Qt Graphics in Antelope Filippi - RAN – Italian Strong Motion Network Spina - The data processing methodology for the Seismic Observatory of Structures (OSS) Costa - The Friuli Venezia Giulia accelerometric network RAF and its integration with the RAN. Pahor - Seismic monitoring in Slovenia Craiu - Romanian Seismic Network Eakins - Managing Metadata with Antelope Vernon - Results and Lessons Learned from USArray Alhashmi - Oman Seismological Network Data Acquisition and Analysis Reyes C. - Introducing FDSN StationXML Harvey - Operations and Management of Large Environmental Monitoring Networks Kurzon - Antelope User Group Evolution in Israel - Foundation of the Israeli Antelope User Group (IAUG) Horn - Antelope in Vienna Austrian Earthquake Service Karimova - Azerbaijan Seismic Network Lee - Earthquake,Tsunami,Volcano Monitoring & Warning System in Korea Vicic - High resolution seismicity relocation Lindquist - Antelope Vernon - ANZA seismic network Reyes J. - Focal Mechanism Framework in Antelope Vernon - High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network